Hello, In the training process, we save one model every 5000 iterations. Besides training loss, are there any criteria to help choose the best model? Because I think even if...
Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to get word embedding vectors in topic space after training tomotopy LDA model? Thank you for your amazing work~
您好: 由於網絡上用於繁體中文分詞的stopwords較少見,請問是否可以提供用於分詞的停用詞表? 十分感謝
你好: 我想請問一下ckiptagger是否可以做character based pos and ner? 請教當前做繁體中文效果比較好的char base模型有哪些呢? 感謝
您好: 我想请问中文摘要您是如何计算Rouge的? 英文方面可以用pyrouge,但是这个package在中文上好像有些问题 谢谢
Hi, I was wondering how you get the confidence score for every extracted triple?