If this is an issue with existing content, provide the URL or GitHub path to the topic. Otherwise, use **New**. Describe the issue or request. Provide as much detail as...
I tried run a node on a mounted volume using: docker run -it -v /mnt/HC_Volume_37317682:/acala/data acala/acala-node:2.21.0 --base-path=/acala/data --chain=acala the above is got from another question. But I see acala-node requires...
**Question** Hi, I am trying to sync a node with the following command sudo docker run -it --privileged=true -v /mnt/volume_01:/parallel/data parallelfinance/parallel --base-path=/parallel/data --chain=parallel --name=node1 --rpc-cors all --rpc-external --ws-port=9944 --ws-external --sync=warp...
**Describe the bug** I tried to sync a node with: sudo docker run -it --privileged=true -v /my disk:/acala/data acala/acala-node:2.24.0 --base-path=/acala/data --chain=acala --name=name --rpc-external --rpc-cors=all --rpc-port=9933 --sync=warp -- --sync=warp using the...
Hi, I have a question about the sendDeploy function it is defiend as : sync sendDeploy(provider: ContractProvider, via: Sender, value: bigint) When we use it, we only assign the last...