Okay, i think there is a problem with motion. I just activated "fast network camera" and it suddenly works! But i want to use the features like motion detection for...
The curious thing is, i had this os a year ago on my ZeroW and it worked without any problems from the start. I hope that it is gonna be...
I tried octoprint a few times, but it doesn´t work very well for me, plus the octolapse feature doesn´t work with my printer and i have better results and control...
I tried the pre-release today, it starts up, connects to the wlan, but that is all it does. No interface. I can see the ip and the hostname in the...
Okay, i re-flashed the card with the pre-release again and now it works, must have been an error while flashing.
Same here, i use TG 17.10.1 since about a month now and it happened 2 times this week. It happens right after the cooldown phase when i start a new...
Never touched the flow rate to be honest, i never got any problems with extrusion itself. I will try to reproduce this problem on a test cube, if it happens...
Btw: what exactly does the geek mode do when it's on? I can't find an explanation for it.
Thank you very much! I just checked it and saw that the PID values in my printer were set for a 25w cartridge, but the um2+ has 35w. I now...
Are this values correct for the 35w heater? 35W PID 8, .5, 33 (neotko recommends) I am curios that there is a 0.5 in the middle while others have a...