Same issue, I trued getting profile and it returns me an `undefined` value in the console.
Figured it out, I forgot I changed Instagram username and didn't update it in my .env file. 😝
> i got a "Failed at the [email protected] install script." error when running "npm install" i got this error and do not kn ow how to fix got any suggestions...
Update on my problem... Seems like animation (`AnimationController _animationController`) was the issue.. Here is "minimised" example from my issue: - with Animation [gist](https://gist.github.com/Sirius3615/b0859b8c5b12be0aa22a01a57ec34273) (throws exception: `_ClientSocketException (Failed host lookup: 'lldev.thespacedevs.com')`)...
Hi @dataamericadevelopment ! I haven't, I only removed default animations and it worked, later I found a workaround for the animations by using a package to achieve what I wanted....
I am using Appwrite for the smart home system I am developing. More specifically smart switches that use websocket connection to receive state updates (and other data). I can't use...
same issue here
I have the same issue as well.
@shahpiyushv Hi, I figured it out with help form a friend, I had to enable Bluetooth 4.2 in menuconfig since I have esp32c3. After enabling that I was able to...