i.e. ``` stack exec -- ghc-mod check {someFile} ``` detects globally installed libraries like `Test.QuickCheck.Checkers`, but ``` ghc-mod check {someFile} ``` ... does not. I have no hidden cabal directories...
Consider the following simple example schema: ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION best_number(OUT RESULT bigint) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $FUNCTION$ DECLARE best_number bigint := 456; BEGIN RESULT := best_number; END;...
## Summary Moves dependencies around to reduce full size of distribution of package, and only includes compiled files in npm package. Not including dependency savings (which will be very large...
This allows for use of `response_url` incoming webhook to post an ephemeral message (a common pattern after closing a modal, for example). It could easily be applied to message too,...
### Bug description We check all of the `tgz` of our packages into source control, and run our CI in offline mode for generally reproduce-able builds. Occasionally, when we're dealing...