
Results 5 issues of ZBioHazzzardZ

┌──(root💀kali)-[/opt/wifijammer] └─# python3 wifijammer.py -i eth0 --aggressive --channel 6 1 ⨯ eth0 no wireless extensions. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/wifijammer/wifijammer.py", line 491, in main() File "/opt/wifijammer/wifijammer.py", line 447,...

Hello, i'm seeing for use this code for protect my python 3 source codes, if i put a key of 300 for example, this can get decrypted by other person...

hello, when i try to attack say 99 % of socks socks down retrying, why do you dont try to add a method for ip address too?, and why you...

Hi, This is the Code i'm testing, ``` import ctypes, os, subprocess import psutil prq = psutil.process_iter() for proceso in prq: if proceso.name() == 'explorer.exe': pix = proceso.pid else: pass...

**Describe the bug** When running reflex run it get that error Installing base frontend packages failed with exit code 255 **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: - Literally i...
