
Results 10 comments of Jackblue

Thank you for your reply @iUltimateLP ! I prefer to use the terrain grid, for performance and replication purpose, because those shapes I want to draw can be contained inside...

I'm happy someone heard my prayer ! Thank you for your clarifications, I found the UByte4N here: https://github.com/AndrewScheidecker/BrickGame/blob/master/Plugins/BrickGrid/Source/BrickGrid/Private/BrickRenderComponent.cpp#L132 I am new in the amazing world of rendering, and I made...

For me the ideal would be an interface, with differents functions, to know if the type has a complex render. If yes, we override the function which return necessary vertices...

What about increase size of batches vertices ?

Vertices array on the vertex buffer is a dynamic array, well it doesn't have a limited size, or is there a limitation ? And because I'm new to rendering, I...

For my own project, complex brick can't be bigger than a normal brick. If it's bigger I use mesh/actor, but we can find a solution in a second time :)...

Hey ! Lastly, I was working on an another module of my game, while still thinking about how to make the voxel module. If you want some informations on how...

After reading some interesting post, I found my answer for ProceduralMeshComponent performance, I read this answerhub post, with the same question about performance: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/412702/procedural-mesh-component-rendering-performance-co.html Well, at this point BrickGame rendering...

Do you want to find a correct object-oriented implementation for Brick data or for rendering or both of them ? For data, Minecraft uses a Registry design pattern with a...

Hey, I recently encounter the same issue with 5.1.1, MaterialHasMToon array is empty here and cause an exception : https://github.com/ruyo/UnrealEngine_VRM4UPlugin/blob/vrm4u_master/Plugins/VRM4U/Source/VRM4ULoader/Private/VrmConvertTexture.cpp#L1122 For now I just check if the index is valid...