Chris Sinjakli
Chris Sinjakli
Hi @alex-wearisma, sorry for the silence. Truth be told, I've skimmed over your situation a few times and I've not had any amazing ideas. Running Prometheus in environments where you...
No problem @alex-wearisma. I'm going to close this issue since it's not something we'll be working on in the core library. You may be interested in reading [this discussion]( that...
Similar to #143, and for the same reasons outlined in [this comment](, I'm taking this out of the v0.10.0 milestone.
@dmagliola I'm gonna try and finish #220 in the next few days, which will leave us with two breaking changes on master for us to release in 3.0. Are we...
> While the amount of files is a problem to be had (maybe soon), the biggest issue right now is around memory consumption due to the fact we are "constantly"...
I'm taking this out of the v0.10.0 milestone. I think we should come up with an answer to this problem, but I also think there's a lot of value in...
Hi @krainboltgreene, Thanks for the suggestion. We'll have a think about it. Our current approach to this is to bundle changes with similar requirements into their own migration files. They...
Hi @matthieuprat, sorry for the mega slow response! We're currently looking at the data for why schema migrations fail to apply at GoCardless - in particular when they run into...
So I just got another two of these today, right at the same time and in the same Kubernetes cluster. What I found really interesting was that the logs showed...
Definitely on our radar! Can't promise when we'll get to it, as most development happens in our spare time now, but definitely something we want to implement.