Simpel (Zelck)

Results 12 issues of Simpel (Zelck)

Hi. I want to print some hints every time a-Shell starts e.g. „>> hint: ESC = CMD + . — needed for vim“. So I wrote those hints into profile....

Took the latest release and put it in folder "croodle" on my server. "croodle" and "data" are 755. Everything seems working but if I want save I get the message:...


Hi. I want to sign the commit with a key given under user.signingkey to verify the commit. Is there a possibility? Regards, Simpel


Hi. I miss my commit.template to commit. Is there a possibility to use my template? Regards, Simpel


Hi. I miss the possibility to "Signed-off-by" the commit. Of course I can write this line myself every time I commit. But that will be very annoying. Maybe you can...


Hi. When I `gl commit -p` and then recognize I don't want to commit I abort that process with q. But then my editor with the commit message is opened....


Hi. I use [diff-so-fancy]( as my core.pager while diff (`core.pager=diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX`). ``` $ gl diff Diff-so-fancy: Version : 1.3.0 Usage: git diff --color | diff-so-fancy #...


With voctomix2 ffmpeg-magic is introduced to duck the translators and to level all to -16LUFS. That is working pretty good. But if there are breaks the music shouldn't be levelled....

example scripts

Get better overview of app with Game won't start if ../games/ is missing. See #1 All links should be https protocol with ssl. Trailing hyphens did replace question marks...

I appreciate your toc generator. As simple as I looked for. I made some small changes fitting my needs. Now I ask if I can publish my changes as you...