Simone Giusso
Simone Giusso
Mongo Auditing: @CreatedDate field gets set to null on updates with Spring Data Rest [DATAREST-1204]
The issue is more general and not related to mongo. The same behaviour happens with other DBs (e.g. postgreSQL). As suggested by @boo3lem a quick fix is to set the...
> Thanks for the request, @SimoneGiusso > > Note, though, that the statement "It's popular" is not a metric of popularity. Please update your request to include one of the...
> On this metric alone, it would be out of scope for this project. Why? Is it too popular? 😅 btw [reactor-core]( has 4.7K GitHub stars.
Ah more the metrics is high less is popular, OK. If you sum all the stars of the GitHub [subprojects]( it goes above 5000 Github stars without any problems. Can...
> Unfortunately, we don't accept the sum of the stars on all repos, @SimoneGiusso, for the primary reason that there's a high probability that the same people are starring multiple...
Thanks for you explanation. I understand and I agree that the documentation should be improved in both sections. The tip in the section you linked make it clears that the...
> In your case, I think the following would be a better solution: > > ```java > @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) > class WebtestclientApplicationTests { > > @Test > void greetingWorks(@Autowired...
@GeorgiPetkov I was interested in your tests because I may have the same issue. I don't know if you are familiar with Spring Boot, but if you inject in your...
@GeorgiPetkov can you try to put `:pool` in the url? Like [this]( and possibly have a runtime dependency on `r2dbc-pool`?
@GeorgiPetkov This configuration solve your issue with the pool: ```java ConnectionFactory pooledConnectionFactory = ConnectionFactories.get(ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder() .option(DRIVER, "pool") .option(PROTOCOL, "postgresql") // driver identifier, PROTOCOL is delegated as DRIVER by the pool. .option(HOST,...