Hi all, I am seeing the same asymmetries in the rotational states that are described in this issue. The blade, that I am calculating, has curve + sweep + non-linear...
With order_elm=10 the asymmetries are reduced significant. But in the rotational states still some asymmetrie are observed. I hope to further improve this once the qfit limit is included in...
Hi @ebranlard, I solved this by changing the reginal formatting language in windows to English (e.g. British English is closest to German date formatting). That is sufficient for us. Thus...
Hi @ebranlard, I finally came around to look at this again as there were problems with some excel macros. Anyway I managed to reproduce the error on a different machine...
Hi @ebranlard, your fix seem to work. At least I was not able to produce the error anymore. Thanks a lot! In case you want to track this in order...