hi @WencongXiao , the issue you've mentioned will be fixed soon, we'll introduce `successPolicy` to `PyTorchJob` to address this, hence `PyTorchJob` will be marked as Succeed when all workers exit...
@ZinuoCai hi nuocai, here we provide a simple tutorial of training and deploying a tiny model by kubedl, and example manifests are under `/example` : as for detailed documentation,...
@wanziyu hi wanziyu, thanks for your contribution! before merge your PR to master branch, you should sign-off your commit first.
@Thor-wl hi, thanks for replying, it seems that `SLA` plugin implements the semantics I present above, what make me curious is it coupled with `Batch Volcano Job` api ? What...
Well done dude, I'm working on my personal database engined by B Tree (B+ Tree firstly, but edge cases drived me crazy...), I gonna adapt some of your designes !!
@jian-he I have updated the description
> Maybe we can refer to #1322 for similar solution. Yes it is, and it seems that master still corrupted when recreated or restarted with JindoRuntime, anyway, I'll open an...
> well, it has not implemented yet, it looks good if you'd like to contribute!
> @SimonCqk please fix the source code check, thanks. done :)