
Results 18 comments of SimonCockx

This is a real pain that should be easy to resolve. At line 303 in cargo-process.el inside the function cargo-process--start (, `compilation-start` is executed without comint mode. From the docs:...

Okay, I solved it this way: []( Perhaps this can be used to solve the problem?

Also relevant: Although I think a proper fix in the code is preferable.

+1. I use this datatype extensively for representing monetary values.

> Hi, It would be easy to implement it naïvely, meaning that table creation would work, and usual operations as well. > > BUT, doing that would not implement the...

@alex996 Okay, you have a point. It might be preferable to fail fast in every case as long as it doesn't work for some cases. I guess that a workaround...

> Now that I think about it, this workaround should work as well: > > ```ts > const db = newDb(); > db.public.interceptQueries(sql => { > const newSql = sql.replace(/\bnumeric\s*\(\s*\d+\s*,\s*\d+\s*\)\b/a,...

I'm facing this issue as well. When is the next release planned? I will use the `ConfigurationBuilder` for now.

I see two potential solutions. ## Solution 1: do not automatically focus on a tab that is created from a script Running `start powershell {echo hello}` creates a new tab,...

I have a related issue. I'm not able to reference a schema file located in another library. Project structure: ``` libs/a/ - project.json libs/b/ - prisma/schema.prisma - project.json ``` In...