I have also recently experienced a similar issue when running egui applications on an Ubuntu VirtualBox VM (tested both 18.04 and 22.04). For me, the GUI is visible but incredibly...
Hey there, I'm not the dev but have used the plugin recently and can provide my findings. This plugin is currently incompatible with Blender 4.0+ due to a breaking change...
> [Mysteryem's fork]( works for me. Just peeked at it, it looks good! Glad someone got to it, I haven't had the time. Hopefully that gets merged.
@Iamtheone23643 Try PR #104, it should let you import with Blender 4.0. Still waiting for it to be reviewed and merged into master branch by @johnzero7 (or another maintainer, not...
> [Mysteryem's fork]( @Adamfal try this fork. It's also available in PR #104. If I'm not mistaken you can just install the downloaded ZIP file like any other Blender plugin,...
Blender 4.0 changed some APIs that are used by this addon, making it incompatible until the addon is updated. For now, you should be able to use Blender 3.x still....
Hi, in my experience the progress should update as normal, as if you were watching the stream yourself. Are you using the latest development version? The Twitch API changes occasionally...
@electronstudio I have current interest in utilizing this library, it would be greatly appreciated if you could migrate it to mavenCentral!