Hi @klauscc , thanks for the suggestion! At the moment I tried using a loop until a valid segments has not been found and it seems to work. I have...
Hi, thanks for the reply. Regarding question 3, can you please explain me why should I need to change that part of the code?
Hi @klauscc, thanks for the fast reply. I tried as you have mentioned, precisely after L23 I've inserted: ```python for name, param in looper.train_engine.model.backbone.named_parameters(): print("name: ", name, "grad: ", param.grad)...
I check that following the readme for training the model, without loading checkpoint. And also I did not change the config file. Did I get it wrong the way to...
Hi @klauscc, I've resolved the issue. There are no problem with the code, there were some errors on my config file, so forgive me if i disturbed you too much....
Ok, thanks you. So I need to make some changes in [SwinTransformer3D]( or in [ChunkVideoSwin](
If I'm not mistaken, it's because when training the model it will employ the video's memory bank to alleviate workload on the GPU, while when testing it will load the...