### Version v0.12.0 ### Bug description when I switch to the dark theme, and after I restart the application, it still keeps the light theme. ### OS windows11 ### Environment...
Is it possible to support automatic clicking on the program on the left side of the Stage Manager?
**Describe the bug** 当我使用小组件的隐藏桌面程序时,点击桌面空白处并不会显示桌面 但我设置了 并且恢复桌面程序后 我在打开以下按钮的情况下,App 依然会隐藏 **Expected behavior** 希望使用隐藏桌面图标时,可以点击墙纸返回桌面。并且恢复桌面图标时,不会隐藏 App。 **Desktop (please complete the following information):** -