
Results 26 comments of SilentSin

Could an analyser use reflection to check the setting if the UnityEditor.dll is loaded to avoid needing a direct dependency?

I would recommend putting the initialisation in `Awake` because it runs immediately when that script instance is created instead of `Start` which only runs before its first update. Also, if...

If you did it with a Shortcode, would it be feasible to implement it as a general purpose tab system so it is not limited to only code blocks?

I have a couple of places where an unrelated gif and png have the same name (even before, so would this conflict with that or by "where multiple formats...

Something like that, but it would be a shame if we needed to repeat the whole image path twice like that since I would intend to use this feature on...

It could even be nice to be able to include the actual raw source file on the API page for scripts that are being released for free anyway. I'm not...

Including simple bits of example code can already be done with `` and `` tags. I'm talking about including the full raw source script for situations where the script will...

Big Ideas™ Using `#region`s doesn't seem like the right approach to me, but targeting a specific method could be interesting. Especially if it would be possible to put an attribute...

I also like the sound of option 2 best. If it casts too wide a net, maybe you could have another fluent method to call after `To()` that can enable...

Inserting something like an `IOU: one YouTube video` message in its place just to let me build would be good enough (along with a warning in the console). Caching while...