It's funny that there are some Async methods that are mostly used internally and their description is "use the sync version", like [AddAsync](
Thanks for the report. I will try to make this work for both TS and node. I fix one and I break the other :(
I gave up on making import work. Just import @types/node and use require in the code. I appreciate any advice or help, but I think I will only make this...
The problem for me is that I did this in Javascript, moved to TypeScript for the type safety, but I am not actually using it anywhere except as a .js...
xUnit 2.2.0 breaks some of the tests on my project. 2.3.1 works great. Can you tell me what I need to change in AxoCover to support 2.3.1 on my machine?...
Sorry, no problem there. It was a rights issue with the user and the projects were empty...
Any news on this?
I am working on an extension as well and I have dev tools open all the time. And I see those errors, I think they're mine :D It doesn't affect...
Note that both Brave shields and ad blockers are disabled on lichess. The network connection that fails looks like this: `` When opening it in the Network tab of Developer...
Same thing with the mini game in the 404 page.