And when I try to `console.log('it goes wrong')`, it can actually print `'it goes wrong'`
Thanks @tompere , it's been my temporary solution. But since `_remoteObject` is a built-in object that the author may avoid us to use it (something like `private`). So I am...
@ChiaJune 感谢支持!下一个小版本将会上CSSModules,至于typescript还在斟酌要不要整合到一个模板内,性能优化一直都是我写这个模板的出发点。现在发的3.0.0版本,整合了最新的webpack4,使用了uglify的并行压缩,不完全统计,速度应该能加快20%以上。后期会再考虑添加DLL。 再次感谢支持!
support CSS Modules in v3.1.0
@ChiaJune 首先谢谢支持了!希望你能用的舒服,并反馈遇到的问题,这就可以了,并不需要请我喝咖啡的。 至于TypeScript,并不是加`ts-loader`就能解决问题的,因为模板中用到了`babel`,混用的话可能会出现不少的编译问题。这部分还在考虑要怎么兼容。 再次感谢支持!❤️
该模板是基于sao 0.x版本的,可以安装0.x版本来解决这个问题 后续会更新sao至1.x版本
I build my bundles three times without changing anything, and its hash or size or whatever seems remain the same. I think it won't meet the conditions you give. But...
No issue to complain about here, just expressing my gratitude for building this fantastic project.