yes : F7A0105
thank you !
I might have closed it too quickly. My Steam Deck BIOS version is now F7A0119, and the issue persists. Should I consider reinstalling the program? The bios shows the right...
Did you have the chance to look at it maybe ? Do you think it is an issue on my side ?
Yes, I still have this issue. My Steam Deck remains charged at 100% for months, and my sessions never last more than 30 minutes. This option would be very useful...
Red dead redemption 2 uses a long press too to display the map.
Thanks for your feedback, however I can't reproduce this bug following the given steps on my miyoo mini. - Is it consistent with any drastic game ? - can you...
Thanks for your detailed report. Did not manage to reproduce it on my MMP following your exact settings. Can you still reproduce the issue ? What game were you using...
I am confused, because the gameswitcher does not manage saves at all. If the gameswitcher is freezing, it can't be because of a save file.
> I don't think the gameswitcher itself is freezing, Drastic is freezing when loading the autosave. I think theres an issue with Drastic making auto saves while the device is...