@cmsxbc thanks for reporting this bug! Sorry for long response! could you share the actual `mean_squared_error` difference for `float` vs `double` usage? currently we are working on performance affection check.
@cmsxbc currently we are working on appropriate solution to save support of "old" trained models with float fields. Sorry for slow fix delivery.
While better solution is in progress, please try work-around bellow: training::Batch train(nClasses); train.input.set(classifier::training::data, testData); train.getResult()->allocate(train.getInput(),&train.parameter,0); /* deserialize the Model */ train.getResult()->get(classifier::training::model)->deserialize(out_dataArch); We have to create algorithm and call allocation of...
@amueller thanks a lot for reporting the issue! We are working on adding the `HistGradientBoostingClassifier`, `HistGradientBoostingRegressor` into current benchmarks.
@trivialfis Can we start detailed review of this PR as this part is related to partition optimizations only? Optimizations of histogram, evaluate and sync kernels are prepared in separate branches
@trivialfis failed steps `Jenkins Linux: Test` and `Jenkins Linux: Deploy` have similar logs as latest commit in master branch^ seems there is no any failed checks/tests affected by current...
similar fails in master branch [here]( docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed @trivialfis should I try to restart tests again?
> Hi, I took another look, but only at the histogram building kernel this time. Can we start by working on this function first? Merging smaller functions makes review and...
> I'm happy to schedule a call if needed. I think we have some different points of view and would be great to share more. That's great! We could discuss...
@trivialfis is there a way to handle this [problem]( "Public key for epel-release-7-14.noarch.rpm is not installed"