**System information** * Have I written custom code: No * OS Platform: window10 * Python version: 3.8 * Deep learning framework and version: PyTorch 1.7.1 * Use GPU or not:...
is this model combination of ResNet101-FPN? is so then why FPN codes are different than resnet50-fpn?
Hello sir, I tried to use FPN in ResNet50 model but i couldn't train my model yet. As i know if i want to use FPN i need to remove...
如何用 soft-NMS 替换 NMS,用 dIoU 替换 IoU?请问你能帮帮我吗?
Thanks for your great work! But i wanted to make sure about one thing. **Is it possible to use BurshNet inpainting model with other ControlNet models such as Canny, Segmentation...