Results 11 issues of Happy

add `predict` func, rewrite `sample` add run_eval_episode

torch ppo for discrete action env (Atari games)

There are a few detailed requirements about `Mujoco` version (e.g. mujoco-py== in ES, mujoco-py== in CQL, which need mujoco200). However, mujoco200 and below are no longer available.

## Add a env wrapper of gym environment. ### Add files: ---> PARL/parl/utils ---> PARL/parl/utils/tests ### Change file: PARL/parl/utils/

### Case I tried to build a Remote Mujoco env wrapper, and write a class to pass env's data(mainly action_space & observation_space). But I got the following error. + Dependencies...

disable remote module testing in [PR939](

Using [CompatWrapper]( causes convergence of algorithm to become slower, e.g. [TD3 in Humanoid](