
Results 43 comments of ShrykeWindgrace

And a CLI option to specify `.elm-analyse` folder location would be great, too!

Well, I would not say that they *almost* work, only WSL gives my troubles - my powershell is always set to `chcp 65001` for plenty of other reasons, so `hledger`...

I did a little bit of debugging, it seems one of the culprits is the file enconding detection. The script goes like this (inspired by, built in unicode-aware powershell....

@simonmichael I will able to test it in June - at least I hope so=)

My usecase for this feature is the semi-automated splitting of expenses, something to support the transactions of the form ```ledger 2019/12/12 Restaurant Assets -100 Expenses 100/2 Liabilities:SomeOtherPerson 100/2 ``` The...

``` nix-env -f -iA hledger_1_24_1 error: attribute 'hledger_1_24_1' in selection path 'hledger_1_24_1' not found ``` and ``` nix-env -f -iA haskellPackages.hledger_1_24_1 ``` proceeds to downloading and building hledger.

> @simonmichael ocaml allows underscores in numeric literals (, so it is often used as a convenient separator in source code (`let magic_number = 1_000_000`). Given ocaml's pedigree, maybe it...

KoKoKoKo Kud-Kudah KoKoKoKo Kud-Kudah KoKoKoKoKo kudah kO kud-Kudah kudah kO kud-Kudah Kukarek This code - according to my understanding of the [K/k]ud syntax (Readme is very vague on this subject)...

@derekchiang No, I did not really look into it. I switched to other IDEs for Haskell where I can, and disabled GitGutter on machines where I can not. Anyway, the...

While we are on the subject of nix, one can also pull oh-my-posh via this nix derivation: and then modify `$env:PSModulePath` accordingly. Pardon my self-promotion=)