Henry Wilkinson
Henry Wilkinson
Would be nice to be able to schedule crawl configs to create a new job on a yearly basis! This option (under the Run on a Recurring Basis selection) should...
### Context When archiving pages with a seeded crawl workflow we split the WACZ files in 10GB increments. While the UX of this could likely be improved, it is mostly...
[Figma File](https://www.figma.com/file/U8ZWzSNia75hhzmRbRIabG/Logging?node-id=472%3A1536&t=Xd1Hr4wVzWlWx3ED-1) | [Interactive Mockup](https://www.figma.com/proto/U8ZWzSNia75hhzmRbRIabG/Logging?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=472-1536&viewport=-2938%2C-1532%2C0.24&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=472%3A1536) ## Requirements - Colour coded errors, warnings, and status messages - Log search / filtering - Lets users filter by any property of the structured...
### Context Now that we have a superadmin setting for org quotas, we should ensure that the workflow settings intelligently follow it so that users don't end up creating workflows...
This will ensure that log files are read in the proper format and that I stop opening it in my text editor! ;) ### Changes - Appends `.csv` to the...
### Context This is a problem that has been encountered in [a few](https://forum.webrecorder.net/t/creating-a-wacz-from-an-offline-page-to-view-in-replayweb/450) [forum posts](https://forum.webrecorder.net/t/continued-problems-with-warcit-and-wacz/418) (and also in my own projects!) at this point and deserves a real issue :)...
All other records in the created WARC file seem to adhere to the --fixed-dt flag if set by the user. Revisit records, automatically created by warcit based on the directory...
Closes #26 Adds a note about the trailing slash being included in the URL prefix to the help text. This caught me up the first time I used warcit [and...
Safari doesn't seem to like that we load the typeface in the SVG file in order to display the text as actual text and not as a vector path. We...
_This initial comment is collaborative and open to modification by all._ ## Task Summary 🎟️ **Re-ticketed from:** # 📅 **Due date:** N/A 🎯 **Success criteria:** We need better resources for...