Burlutskiy Ivan
Burlutskiy Ivan
Format strings contain minutes 2 times. For example, ` time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:04")`. I think that dates should have seconds.
node v12.19.0 The method does not work
Fix variables' names
* xmls have been moved to correct directory / added missed files * trainval.txt is added to the repo * regexp has been fixed according filenames It allow run following...
Does this library support `rtmps`? ```go func remote_stream() { conn, err := rtmp.Dial("rtmps://live-api-s.facebook.com:443/rtmp/") if err != nil { log.Println("remote dial") panic(err) } defer conn.Close() if err := avutil.CopyFile(conn, que.Latest()); err...
`userPasswordAuthFlow` by default returns `verifyPasswordChallenge` ([ref](https://github.com/jagregory/cognito-local/blob/master/src/targets/initiateAuth.ts#L205)). But `USER_PASSWORD_AUTH` does not require providing `DEVICE_KEY` Steps to reproduce: 1. Crate pool ```sh aws --endpoint cognito-idp create-user-pool \ --pool-name $POOL_NAME \ --query...
Remove debugger
```Inside the `mosquitto` directory create a `docker-compose.yaml```` So we already in the `mosquitto` directory