Nikolai Spiridonov

Results 6 comments of Nikolai Spiridonov

OS - Gentoo GNU/Linux ``` lae.netbox❯ molecule --version molecule 3.0.4 ansible==2.9.10 python==3.7 ```

It might be because of old version of molecule

Hi @chorus12 ! I had the same problem with selfhosted S3. Try to specify port in output uri. For example chunk of my clearml.conf in clearml-agent: ``` sdk { aws...

Had the same problem. Complete deletion of resource CrdbCluster and reinstall helped for me.

This is because of template renders secret like this and there is not diff when values update. ``` # Source: victoria-metrics-k8s-stack/templates/victoria-metrics-operator/alertmanager/vmalertmanager.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: labels: victoria-metrics-k8s-stack-alertmanager

@f41gh7 it's not an problem inside operator, it's helm problem. Try to `helm install`, then update variable `alertmanager.config` and then `helm upgrade` or `helm diff` and you can see that...