Shivam Shrirao

Results 17 comments of Shivam Shrirao

It can be found here

Wow, Using the 8bit adam optimizer from [bitsandbytes]( along with [xformers]( reduces the memory usage to 12.5 GB. Colab: ![Screenshot_20220927_213651]( Code: ![Screenshot_20220927_185927](

> Do you have a donation link? I don't have much, but you are doing great work. Hey, Thanks. No donation link haha. Good to hear you liked it. It...

@pdjohntony What error are you facing ? If 404, it may be due to not being authenticated with huggingface cli.

@roar-emaus These are the diffuser version of weights. I have added an inference example in colab on how to use them in diffusers. For others you will need to convert...

> finally got it to work, how can we use the model to reuse in a stable colab @ShivamShrirao ? I have used the inference but how do i save...

@binarymind Not required here cause it executes as a shell command.

@JoeMcGuire you will need to compile the xformers, current wheels only support T4 GPU.

@G-force78 fixed in 8b1472ffd0c8e0144f9db797e545eb908a1831b9

Can't say. Btw you should install xformers. To check where script is hanging, press ctrl+C. The traceback will show where it was stuck.