If possible can you provide full code about you trying to implement reading NFC? I'll need your environment info (package.json or ```react-native info```) to see if I can help you...
[Example code](https://github.com/revtel/react-native-nfc-manager#usage) provided in readme should do the trick 🤔
@Helicosaurus-Rex Just found a PR mention about updating example code that didn't merge #470, I'll dig into it
@kojoo112 @Helicosaurus-Rex I've created an [example project](https://github.com/ShiriNmi1520/nfc_test/blob/e5aef49082620fecf515309955b09cbb16ddd086/App.js) using expo bare workflow and some code from #470 that reads NFC tag and display its ID without clicking anything, sees if this...
No problem, let me know if there's another problem and I'll try to figure it out :)
> @ShiriNmi1520 If the setEventListener method is used and nfcVHandler's transceive method is used, a "No tech request available" warning will appear I'll look into it
So it might be better to move this part to the new MD file and give the link in the original README right? Or I can add new section in...
Ok I'll mark this PR as a draft till I have done with this part
I'd prefer new section
> It seems that the code snippet wants to demonstrate how to start NFC scanning automatically without pressing a button, but I think it will be easier to understand if...