Thanks for the prompt response and the pointer! I was able to install pycolmap from source (from the main branch of the official colmap mentioned above). I still encountered an...
Thanks for the help. I tried to install pyceres from sources. Now there seems to be a conflict between two libraries pycolmap and pyceres. When they are imported together, the...
>Apologies for the issues. Are you building with glog < 0.6.0? These versions have an issue that has been fixed in 0.6.0. We will add a min version requirement to...
Sorry for the late reply. I tried to install both pyceres and pycolmap from source today (basically go to the source code folder, and run `pip install .`). I didn't...
Sorry for the late reply. After building both pycolmap and pyceres from source, I am able to run the notebook without problem. For reference, I am using ceres=2.2, colmap=3.10, glog=0.6.0....