Kaidan Gustave

Results 8 issues of Kaidan Gustave

I'm curious if this library is going to be updated to MC 1.14, and if it can be said how soon?

Hello! I was beginning to use this plugin in my project, and I wanted to configure the `npm` task so I could possibly have it install to a separate directory....

Hello, I was using the JVM version of this library to generate an HTML file with a head tag on when I noticed that it generates a forced `meta` tag....


[download]: https://bintray.com/jagrosh/maven/JDA-Utilities/_latestVersion [guild]: https://discord.gg/0hMr4ce0tIk3pSjp [stack overflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/java [issues]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities/issues [jda-issues]: https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA/issues [examples-module]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities/tree/master/examples [jda-u-projects]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities#projects ## Issue #### Issue Checklist Please follow the following steps before opening this issue. Issues...

Help Wanted
Feature Request
Version: 2.2

[contributing]: https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA/wiki/5%29-Contributing [pull-request]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities/pulls ## Pull Request #### Pull Request Checklist Please follow the following steps before opening this PR. PRs that do not complete the checklist will be subject...

Module: Commons
Version: 2.2

[download]: https://bintray.com/jagrosh/maven/JDA-Utilities/_latestVersion [guild]: https://discord.gg/0hMr4ce0tIk3pSjp [stack overflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/java [issues]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities/issues [jda-issues]: https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA/issues [examples-module]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities/tree/master/examples [jda-u-projects]: https://github.com/JDA-Applications/JDA-Utilities#projects ## Issue #### Issue Checklist Please follow the following steps before opening this issue. Issues...

Module: Commons
Version: 2.2

I'm not sure if it's possible as this compiles for kotlin jvm. Any ideas or help would be appreciated, thanks.

I held off on the `pagination` and `order` packages of `net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.restaction` due to the fact I've only ever used `AuditLogPaginationAction` and only very lightly at that. Possibly in the future...