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Optimized DMR analysis based on bimodal normal distribution model and cost function for regional methylation analysis.

Results 9 edmr issues
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Hello, I am using edmr right after MethylKit but the DMRs I get, correspond to a region where there are more CpGs than displayed in "num.CpGs" column. The code I...

I believe the correct code should be: get.dmr.genes()

Hi, Dr Li. I am analyzing WGBS data using "edmr"package using the command line"BiocManager::install("edmr")", unfortunately, I was informed that package ‘edmr’ is not available (for R version 4.0.2). Then I...

(1)I want to install the "edmr" package, and executed the following command, but returned some errors: `> install_github("edmr", username = "ShengLi",build_vignettes=FALSE)` `Error in parse_repo_spec(repo) : Invalid git repo specification: 'edmr'`...

fix version dependency for installation

I am using it with methylkit package and when I have DMRs I mapped them on genome browser but there number of CpGs were 4 but in DMRs its showing...

I am trying to install edmr as described in README. `> install_github("edmr", username = "ShengLi",build_vignettes=FALSE) Downloading GitHub repo ShengLi/edmr@master from URL https://api.github.com/repos/ShengLi/edmr/zipball/master Error: Command failed (9) In addition: Warning messages:...

Hi, I guess there is an typo error in your DESCRIPTION. See below Depends: R (>= 3.4.0) Maybe should be Depends: R (>= 3.3.0). It will be reported an error...

I am trying to use eDMR on my RRBS libraries/sequences which have been analysed with methylKit. I am unable to import the hg38 bed file (downloaded from UCSC) with genebody.anno....