Eric P Sheets

Results 179 comments of Eric P Sheets

Thanks for sharing @anandmuthu1978 ! `bookSST: true` is helpful for files containing a large number of repeated strings (text labels for each row, for example) and `compression: true` obviously reduces...

This library, and every other JS library, is limited to the browser APIs in the frontend and limited to platform APIs on the backend. XLSX is a ZIP-based file format...

Check the value of `ws["!ref"]` when you read the file. It may not be including all of the cells. If the range is incorrect, try copying and using `update_sheet_range` from...

Excel appears to be auto-correcting `#,0` to `#,##0`. You can create a new file with ```js var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([[12345.6789]]); ws["A1"].z = "#,0"; XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");...

It's an interesting question. The current approach is to stick the autocorrected formats in the main file processing library, but it probably should be added to the library.

There are a few concerns with `sheetRowsOffset`. In addition to what was mentioned in , 1) Should a number of header rows be included with each page? If yes,...

See SheetJS/js-xlsx#676 for another example with `am/pm` converting to `AM/PM`

See #2695 -- #,0 is corrected to #,##0

See #2598 -- `#0;#0-` is corrected to `#0;#0\-`