this is an issue with packs that use the dependency manager in RPFM, I disallowed merging mods that have such dependencies in the latest version
try it looks the same but should prevent custom load order mods sliding above or below the main mod
I assume they're in content (SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\1142710\xxx). Steam should be doing cleanup after you unsubscribe from a mod and delete those folders. The mod manager works by looking at all the...
You shouldn't get any hidden mods when you subscribe to mods. I'm subscribed to SFO and I only have the SFO pack.
I'm not sure how to solve this but you can try a few things: launching through the CA Launcher and/or restarting Steam and PC adding manager as a non-steam game...
Force update asks Steam to update the mod but if it fails/does nothing it means the Steam server decided it's not outdated. There's nothing really that can be done in...
hello, you can do this in the categories tab
v2.6.0 checks if the user is subscribed to the mod that is present in the content folder, so that should fix this but not sure why this would happen, maybe...
Hey, see if running as admin or running the manager as a non-steam game from steam changes anything.