Also having the same issues I have disabled this integration because of this bit frustrating as it means I have to leave the lights on all the time
All the fixes posted on this still didnt work for me I found myself having to disable it then restart so in my case my roborock could load and then...
> @IneedAnewNick can you post the automation yaml that uses spook to do that? I'd be interested in using that `- id: '1710604253742' alias: Disable govee description: '' trigger: -...
Yep same issue here too
This only happens on one of my three changing a setting does turn it off but as I say only one out of three does this.
I also have no control my config is as follows media_player: - platform: samsungtv_tizen name: living Room 4k TV host: mac: !secret samsung4kmac api_key: !secret samsungapikey device_id: !secret samsungdeviceid...