Not on the list, but PopOS 20.04 with Nvidia drivers working on Windows laptop (website is 19.10). Hard disk not detected at first, but just have to turn on AHCI.
Made this cos I needed it urgently.
For me, it's ``` RTC: channel closed ICE Gathering disconnected network.js:310 RTC: state changed: failed ```
Fix pushed but not uploaded to npmjs
Whoever chance upon this issue, please note that there is no options for the answer stated above `{ country: 'eg' }` Please correct me if I'm wrong.
@Amanida OP is asking for embedded app update flow. Not in-app review.
Come here to unlock your account first. If you're using 2FA, create a temporary app password.
Multiple NodeJS based libraries are facing this problem. Apparently Pythons' are doing fine (afaik).
I just tested this library few days back. It used to work with Node v8 but it stopped working. Not only for this project, but many others as well
> Hi, any solution for node-whatsapp-drive-extractor? > > Thank you Apologise for not getting back to you. I haven't had the time to take a look into this. Seems like...