Hello!, there's no `GetByIDAsync` method.  The `version` value is `11.12.1` The `key` value is `72` which is supposed to be Nidalee
I see, I'm sorry would you mind to guide me how to do that? Since I'm a little bit lost. I've always installed the nuget packages online. I've download the...
Thanks a lot, now it works perfectly!
Sorry to bother again but for some reason the method stays waiting until infinity. It doesn't even return any kind of exception. `var test = api.DataDragon.Champions.GetByIdAsync(72, version[0]).Result.Image.Full;` (The version value...
Weird, it might be something relate to my code. Tried this ``` var api = RiotSharp.RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance("hbiahbdiahbd"); var skarnerTask = api.DataDragon.Champions.GetByIdAsync(72, "11.12.1"); var skarnerResult = skarnerTask.Result; ``` with my ApiKey of...
Sorry bother you, but I'm a beginner so I've no idea where I could find out that... Update: I did this, so I got this one: ` catch (AggregateException e)...
Sure, DonJPM, Even though I've rewritten the code and now it works fine, maybe Riot's api did not work well at that time?