Felix Seidel
Felix Seidel
Thanks for your reply! I did the following: - enabled dokku events - edited dokku's crontab to run the letsencrypt cron-job in the next minute `/var/log/dokku/events.log`: ``` Dec 7 11:01:01...
I edited the crontab w ith `sudo crontab -u dokku -l` to look like this: ``` # @daily /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/letsencrypt/cron-job 00 09 * * * /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/letsencrypt/cron-job ```
Using `rake jobs:work` in development seems ok. But has anyone a recommendation how to use Delayed Job with threaded workers in production? All best practices (e.g. [12Factor-Apps](https://12factor.net/processes)) recommend using a...