Sharif Amit Kamran, PhD

Results 5 comments of Sharif Amit Kamran, PhD

Hi, could you elaborate the problem you are facing? As far as the training goes, we don't change any hyperparameters during training.

Hi, you are on the right track. After training, loop over all the models and then print the metics for each to find the best snapshot. As GAN doesn't converge...

I have trained the model for 100 epochs. After training, I loaded the weights of the best performing Coarse and Fine Generator ( For the same epoch) and then trained...

ChaseDB doesnt come with training and test splits. Which images are you using for Chase-DB for testing ? Maybe the evaluation technique + test images you are using is giving...

F1-scrore is calculated using Precision and Sensitivity. We used pycm library. ``` import pycm cm = ConfusionMatrix(actual_vector=y_true, predict_vector=y_pred) print("Specificity: " + str(cm.TNR[1])) print("Sensitivity: " + str(cm.TPR[1])) print("Accuracy : " +...