Shankar Singh C
Shankar Singh C
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates ## Description Implemented Dispute Webhooks...
### Feature Description add a deserialization logic to convert unix timestamp to primitive date time so that there will no need to timestamp conversion in connectors ### Possible Implementation need...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
Merchant business country is mandatory field for confirming a apple pay payment. Till date we were expecting the billing country to be passed in the apple pay payment create call....
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
## Type of Change - [ ] Bugfix - [x] New feature - [ ] Enhancement - [ ] Refactoring - [ ] Dependency updates - [ ] Documentation -...
During the MIT process, there needs to be validation to check the off_session field. If set to true, then check if the `pg_agnostic_mit` config is enabled. If it is, perform...
Create a application level config (`nrid_supported_connectors`) that contains the list of connectors that supports pg agnostic MITs,