@naeemakram you can use next method
[abrody18]( Try this
@sszemer can you can try the next: 1. get next attribute: cbox.GetAttribute("Value.Value") 2. check combo-box attributed page source XML: driver.PageSource 3. post screenshot from Inspect.exe
[RamaNarasimhaChanda]( it is not possible with WinAppDriver
[fastinggirl]( Please post code example
[ByteYIFFF]( Is it the correct thread for your question?
[ByteYIFFF]( Could you please explain how does your issue related with WinAppDriver - tool fow windows app automation?
[ByteYIFFF]( Please close the issue
Search elements using such a common locator under all Desktop elements is not a good idea because there can be a lot of elements on the desktop. I suppose WinAppDriver...
@KitoCoding Can you try cache for initial start app, then attach to it using process id or desktop session by window name in a loop until window will appear