Shaked Klein Orbach
Shaked Klein Orbach
Actually I don't understand why this is so complicated. Even with a sub shell, you can just point `HISTFILE` to its default value, and then it that case it will...
:+1: How does this idea sound: - Create a new formatter to format the relevant data. - Use PublisherInterface to set a publisher in the AthleticEvent class. - Fire publish(args)...
Maybe this implementation can help?
@klueska following what you wrote about config.toml, I have upgraded mine - which is a k3s config.toml.tmpl on a Jetson Xavier device: ``` cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml.tmpl [plugins.opt] path = "{{ .NodeConfig.Containerd.Opt...
> We should move this dicussion to as it is no longer relevant to the original issue. Done
@chenhengqi checkout
> Let me see if I understand you correctly, it seems the Task failed and the pod restarts, is that correct? Correct > It seems the main issue is the...
@bmartinn > Hi @Shaked Quick update, a fix was pushed to the master, which should solve the restart issue. Basically if the pod started running, it should always return exit...
> Can you verify that the pod cmd ended with `; exit 0`. This means the pod will always be successful hence will never restart (that's before we change to...
I think that you have to explicitly add `restartPolicy: Never` to the pod, otherwise: > Always means that the container will be restarted even if it exited with a zero...