Shahina Kunhimon
Shahina Kunhimon
Thank you for releasing the pretraining code. Four pretraining datasets downloaded from the links mentioned in the repo, are in .dcm and .mhd formats. And it is inconsistent with the...
Hii, I appreciate your effort in releasing the code. Could you please provide the details necessary to reproduce the cross-modality learning results **(CT-MRI: 80.56, MRI-CT: 79.97)** reported in section 4.4...
Hii, thank you for releasing the code. can you please share the BTCV, AMOS, KITS and BRATS trained model weights. Thank you.
Hii, Please provide the MIMIC -5X200, Covid19, RSNA pneumonia evaluation dataset splits used for zero shot classification results reported in your paper Thanks.