I'm trying your temporary workaround but Input Emulator doesnt seem to be working. I'm trying to run PlaySpace Mover and it says it doesnt detect it.
Still nothing. I'm probably doing it wrong, then. in my \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers there's a folder called 00vrinputemulator. What am i doing with that in relation to your fix?
Still nothing. Am I supposed to keep your extracted folder named driver_vrinputemulator?
Nope. There's the regular files (bin, resources, src, driver.vrdrivermanifest and driver_vrinputemulator.vcxproj) directly inside. Is there any other software I needed to have installed?
It's not in safe mode, no. I'm unable to actually test to see if Input Emulator is showing up in the steamvr menu (im not at home so ive been...
Alright. And I just checked the Task Manager. I see that OpenVR-InputEmulatorOverlay.exe is running, so it must be working. No idea what my problem is. I applied the fix PlaySpace...
@SplitPixl Sadly nothing yet. Can't think of the reason why it wont work. Do you have Advanced Settings installed as well?
[Here ya go.]( I hope you find something >
[Here ya go](
Huh.. No idea. I even tried renaming the original folder to yours, and merged your files with that. Still no go