Utkarsh gupta

Results 6 comments of Utkarsh gupta

Hi @gchhablani , @RishabhJain2018 , Dear Sir, My name is Utkarsh gupta and i am a Django Developer . I had worked on projects using REST API Framework , and...

after changing showing this error . i have use the SECRET KEY in settings.py , now showing this error : ![image](https://github.com/codervivek5/VigyBag/assets/122604770/fa45aa7a-8724-4c66-80cb-a16f9b1c68a4)

![Screenshot: 2024-05-11 104716](https://github.com/codervivek5/VigyBag/assets/122604770/4a28ab1a-c6b5-4ce5-82ca-efa0e1854ce1) Sure, here are the changes that i made