Melody Smith

Results 9 comments of Melody Smith

It has generated tons of files in my machine, approximately 6GB as my service call this function every 15 seconds

> libcurl does internet transfers for you. **You** decide _what_ to download and how/if to store it. I can't see how curl makes any such decision for you. I just...

> > Does your libcurl build use Schannel? Is that the reason? So that file is created no matter what you do in your transfer? > > > It seems...

> Sounds like a Windows bug to me. Well, I don't know if windows crypto provides apis like CryptoCreateKeyFile(it's a imaginary name) or CryptoDeleteKeyFile or something. Maybe the defualt implementation...

Well, if you guys find the exact reason causing the problem, please comment in this issue. It will help a lot.

I apply the commit: schannel: when importing PFX, disable key persistence. curl_easy_perform returns CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR and the error message is schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR (0x80090304). If I don't apply the...

@DHowett Thanks for the quick reply. The windows version is Windows 10 Professional 21H1 (19043.1889).

I use the code you provide and It shows the same error. Besides, I can't run the libcurl in master. It has another error. I use the libcurl tag 7_74_0(commit...

I have tested the patch. It works! No more files in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-18. And the curl_easy_perform returns good result. It seems the problem has been solved. I think then you should...