With MAINT of a server being configured as a new metric, in this threads example, how would that work with Grafana where you have a single panel for status of...
I believe so, is that just matching the status so if it contains string "UP", "DOWN" etc rather than strict comparison?
Ya then #101 would resolve this. Any idea when that will get merged into master and make it to the docker image?
Seeing this as well with latest.
Since this may not be maintained, suggest switching to which has changes to the GO bin for Pingdom API 3.1 forked from giantswarm's exporter. Run binary natively or build...
There are 3 places that need to be modified to resolve the links in the Slack messages inclusive of line 66 as @mudslide567 commented originally. This is because osTicket itself...
@clonemeagain Testing it out, will let you know, initial test ticket and reply works.
@clonemeagain So it appears to be working better, every now and then I get error `Slack:No Url for Curl!` with message `We need that webhook.. this is an error, because...