
Results 9 comments of Shaco-Ma

I use this wifi adapter in ubuntu18,kernel 5.4,it's did't wrok, and can't scan any wifi ap, can't work......

I do like tihs:make,sudo make install;sudo modprobe 88x2ce,but ,had some wrong in wrok long time(maybe some hours, or more hours)

I update the driver to v5.9.0.3b ,but the wifi can connect, and can get ip,but no internet active.......

just it's had been can't use internet,and I get dmesg for rtw,help~ [rtw.txt](

just I do sudo ifconfig wlp2s0 down; sudo ifconfig enp3s0f3u2c4i2 down;then do sudo ifconfig wlp2s0 up;sudo ifconfig enp3s0f3u2c4i2 up,the 8822ce work ok,and connect wifi,and had internet

I got the same question on ubuntu 20.04.3LTS and use the lastest drawio deb version 20.3.0,ctrl+d is ok,but ctrl +c and ctrl + v can't work.

> 但是这个库我看了代码目录里面也有,但是找不到啊,你compile没有问题吗?

> 我的actions编译,没啥问题,除了cjdns需要修正Makefile,L大的所有package都编译通过。 大佬,为什么我本地编译全新代码什么都没修改编译不过呢,总是提示 install: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory