Dominic Monroe

Results 195 issues of Dominic Monroe

With 2 separate vhost routes, for the same host, but with different schemes, bidi will match on both sets of routes. But should only match on one. This looks suspicious...

I like to route my application logs to their own file to aid debugging. All my logs are done using slf4j, so there's very little use of markers to be...

help welcome

This is hard to describe, but I'll do my best. I've created a source for Clojure (finally porting async_clj_omni from ncm to ncm2!). I have a very slow version of...


Change the dependencies to use bower, results in a reduced inflation codebase (Not requiring libraries within the codebase itself!). I might come back and add Gulp support a little later...

`require` is not thread safe, but starts a thread and calls `require`. This can lead to confusing errors if you happen to load rewrite-clj yourself (e.g. in `:init`) while...

I couldn't find a keybinding which would search through the history without moving the cursor up a line. Does such a thing exist and I clumsily missed it?

How do I create a graph like the one described in the README? `#tagged=climbing #since=30d #plot=done`. Maybe I am misunderstanding what it means.

Type: Question

Is it possible to sign commits with gitless? I'd also love it if my commit.gpgsign settings (or any gitless equivalent) were read.


The choice to use multi-methods has an annoying side-effect: there's no way to inform editors/codox "this keyword corresponds (among other things) to an extension of integrant.core/init-key". I'm opening this issue...

I am using integrant with eftest, and starting systems in my fixtures. Because `load-namespaces` is not thread safe, this causes sporadic namespace errors with eftest. I can sync on my...