Dominic Monroe

Results 195 issues of Dominic Monroe

If file is specified in the current working dir to watch like: `"foo.edn"`, then process will not watch this group at all. I think this is because `.getParentFile` is called...

As mentioned [here]( it would be really cool to have something to auto-convert from `->>` to `eduction`

e.g. clojure.test/is used as `is` will generate `({:name clojure.test, :type :ns})` as candidates. This should result in adding `[clojure.test :refer [is]]` instead of just `[clojure.test]`, may act as inspiration

I use syntax folding for clojure (`set fdm=syntax`). To get crrs to work I had to: - `set foldlevelstart=99` and open all folds in the current file. I noticed that...

There needs to be a consistent strategy for determining where to run the repl command from. One option could be to search for project manifests, the other is to use...

I have configured "When a PR is assigned for my teams - Move To Mentioned". But I recently noticed a couple of PRs were missing from my list. I... is down, use perhaps? look at @markwoodhall's thing.

### Request The docstring for `cpr`: `cpr :Require|RunTests` This essentially means that it does: `(require 'my-test-ns :reload) (clojure.test/run-tests 'my-test-ns)` There's been a request to replicate this kind of functionality. ###...


Look at how accomplishes this for an example.